Build and Reclaim your Self Esteem After Narcissistic Abuse
This week I am going to explain how you can start to reclaim your self-esteem after splitting up with a toxic, sociopathic or narcissistic spouse. It's an essential foundational step that the rest of your recovery depends upon.
How I re-parented my inner child
In this week's newsletter, I am going to explain how learning to parent my Inner child supercharged my transformation in the weeks and months following the split (and later divorce from) the sociopathic ex. It opened up so much healing that I could get to a balanced place very quickly and my life continued to transform in the most incredible and happy ways! So if you decide to commit to healing your inner child, it is my hope that you will be able to become the best parent you never had! It may be the beginning of your incredible personal transformation too.
C-ptsd after narcissistic abuse?
So I am going to explain some of the symptoms of CPTSD and how I experienced them after leaving a 20-year marriage to a sociopath. There may be some similarities to how you are feeling and maybe there are differences. This is because everyone who has C-ptsd is experiencing their own unique vulnerabilities. Whatever the case, it is really important that you take steps to understand your own vulnerabilities and know that they can be healed and repaired and you can get your amazing life back on track and make a really good recovery.
Grieving after Abuse
After leaving a narcissistic relationship or having been discarded, survivors are caught in an emotional tsunami that can be overwhelming. It's also a time of confusion, anger, fear and also there may be a huge sense of loss. I’m going to explain what role grief has in our recovery and share some tips that may help you to manage this very difficult time. You can find relief from this. I will also share some of my story when I went through this myself.
Why did I attract a narcissist?
Some of you may already know that I married a sociopath and the marriage lasted for 2 decades. This wasn’t the only narcissist in my orbit by any means. It was only later I realised that I was attracting them ‘out of the woodwork’. Friends, work colleagues, acquaintances and it was on repeat. When I had an awareness of this ‘pattern’ I worked on myself with trauma processing tools and thankfully, cleared that susceptibility.
When leaving the narcissist
When I left the sociopathic ex, it was sooner than I had been planning, but I nonetheless felt supported in life. I’d made my decision and things just magically lined up for me. I created miracles but it wasn’t all plain sailing.
Finding Peace and Acceptance in a War Zone
I’m going to share the one thing that immediately stopped me from being controlled by the narcissist. I am describing this a few years after the event. And the surprising thing is I didn’t do this to stop the control of this person over me, this was an unintended consequence. It’s only in hindsight I can see how it happened.
One massive lesson that changed my life quickly after narcissistic abuse
What I am going to tell you in this blog will speed up your recovery from relationship trauma and change your life trajectory. I am going to give you the exact steps that got me healed from the infection of narcissism in 6 months. Maybe you can collapse that timeline even further? It’s totally possible. The content in this blog post may even shock you but it is very counterintuitive. It may be like nothing you have heard before in narcissistic abuse recovery spaces.
How to break the spell of a trauma bond in 6 steps
I was married to a sociopath and was abused for 2 decades and this is how I got to know all about the trauma bonding process but more than that how to break free from it. My life transformed very quickly but I had to create a plan to do this.In this video I am going to share with you the steps I took to break the spell and the trauma bond of abuse.
I was married to a sociopath for 2 decades and didn’t know it
I am writing 8 years on from those devastating times. Thankfully, my life transform ed incredibly quickly and I did get my amazing life back. I am so appreciative of that because there was a time when I nearly didn’t make it. I will also explain the steps that I took to escape and live a happy life free from abuse.This happened to me in a ridiculously short time frame.