Hello, I’m Sarah and this is my story
Did you lose your self-confidence, self-esteem and self-identity in the marriage?
Did you ever wonder how it was you attracted such a negative and controlling partner?
I know I did when I found myself in the aftermath of the toxic split.
The questions and confusion were overwhelming at times. I want you to know something really important.
Your heartbreak and sense of loss from the split does not need to define the rest of your life. It was not your fault what happened to you but you can learn to create a happier life, no matter what you have been through. You can start writing the next chapters of your new life story and live your transformation.
You can begin to live your happy ever after.
How do I know this to be true?
I know because that is my story. I’m living my happy ever after. For the first time in my life,I am understanding myself, have grown my confidence and self esteem immeasurably.
I’m beginning to realise my potential.
The fact that you are reading this now means that maybe you understand that while the split may have left you feeling broken, that you are not actually broken. You have decided that you are going to create a happy life and get a quick recovery from everything that has happened to you, no matter what.
Why give any more of your life energy and essence to unhappiness and sadness?
You are probably mourning that the best years of your life were spent propping up a toxic partner and unhappy marriage. This is how I felt after the split. It's a tough one, you feel like your heart is breaking when you look back at all the dreams you had and the sacrifices you made. The loss feels just too much. Its the worst pain.
In the last year of my 20 year marriage, I nearly died, twice. I was eventually beginning to realise what I had married and even then, I refused to see the warning signs for so long until it was nearly too late.
The violence was not physical until the last year of the marriage but it had been psychologically and emotionally violent from the beginning. I had many blindspots and I discovered that I had been groomed to accept this kind of treatment by my family of origin. I literally didn’t know any better.
If I told you your happiest and best life is still ahead of you because of what’s happened to you, I would understand your skepticism.
The thing is that I am living my best life and creating and attracting wonderful relationships not despite what happened to me but because of it.
I am living proof.
There is a reason it all happened the way it did. It's so hard to see this when you are so tangled up in the mess of the remnants of a toxic break up. I really get that. There were things about my life that I needed to understand deeply if I were to break the cycle of abuse. This has become a huge realisation for me of late. Not just breaking the chain of pain that existed in my family and lineage but learning how to create a happy loving life on purpose.
Isn’t this the ‘Holy Grail’ of knowing how to live a great life?
This coincidently is my life purpose. It’s why I have the best job in the world.
Maybe it’s yours as well?
My life has just been elevated to previously unknown and unimagined levels because I didn’t know what I didn’t know, right?
I put in the ‘work’ on myself at the times that were supposed to break me down to nothing. Finding what worked.
Alchemising the Trauma.
Letting the Light in.
Finding what fuelled my fast transformation.
I got well in 6 months and then settled happily into maintenance mode after that.
I didn’t realise it but at the time I was creating a proven road map out of how to recover fast from abuse and start moving toward happiness, joy and peace.
I was driven by a knowing. Knowing that I could realise my potential. That potential was becoming unlocked baby step by baby step. It was both scary and exciting. Life is continuing to unfold but it feels so good to be more of who I was meant to be all along.
That’s the Alchemy.
Finding the gold you wanted all along already existed inside of you. You just had to know how to find it.
Maybe our stories are not the same. Maybe there are some similarities.
I know what it feels like to…
Grieve the loss of a person who never died and the loss of what your relationship meant to you.
Regret the loss of the ‘best years’ of your life to unhappiness.
Overthink and feel shame about what you could have done differently.
Be betrayed when you have only ever wanted to make other people happy.
Be lonely, depressed and anxious in unhappy relationships.
Be duped into thinking you were in a safe relationship.
Believe that life is not for the benefit of me .
Obsess about what others are or are not doing to feel ‘happy.’
But I also know what it feels like to…
Attract loving and safe intimate relationships.
Increase your sensuality and love more passionately.
Become an outstanding role model to your children (and everyone else you know) about how to manage difficult transitions.
Feel connected to all of life and creation .
Increase and uncover my superpowers of compassion, intuition and empathy.
Know exactly how to heal from childhood and relationship trauma.
Break that ancestral chain of pain for yourself, your children and future generations.
How we can work together
RELIEF: Your SOS Toolkit
This is for you if you’ve recently experienced a big change or a break up in your life and you’re wondering if there’s a way for you to start feeling instantly better now. The good news is, you can feel relief once you understand the practical skill of working with overwhelming emotional triggers & flashbacks. In this SOS Toolkit you’ll learn exactly how through a video tutorial, a healing meditation and journaling prompts to learn trauma processing skills so you can become your own DIY therapist.
The Roadmap to Recovery
10 week small group program designed to take you from surviving to thriving in your life & relationships. This is a repeatable process designed to help you level up your life and take back your own power. By the end you’ll have the knowledge, the awareness & the skills to create your dream future. The program includes 1:1 orientation call, weekly LIVE group sessions, video trainings to support the process as well as a very small, intimate community.
Restart and Reinvent
This is a premium & fully bespoke 1:1 coaching and therapy for 3 months. you receive 3 potent therapy sessions and weekly coaching to support you as your transformation unfolds. Additionally, you’ll get personalised healing audios created for you to achieve your greatest upgrade. By the end of our time together you’ll become the best possible version of yourself, live a life of fulfilment and attract great relationships your way.