The Dating Confidence Accelerator

A 90-day deeply transformational therapy and coaching programme that will heal you from the inside out. Re-coding your subconscious mind for relationship success, so that you can attract fabulous dating matches and create an epic love life.

No matter what you have been through.

My divorce was so traumatic, how can I ever become confident to date ever again?

A powerful 90-day personalised, therapy and coaching programme re-builds you from the inside out after your traumatic relationship split or divorce. It’s a profound healing experience.

During the programme we get to re-write your old, faulty subconscious relationship coding. You receive powerful life upgrades, creating a massively improved relationship with yourself, no matter what you have been through.

It’s true that if you want to attract ‘the one,’ you first have to become ‘the one’!

At the end of the programme, you get to date exactly how you want to and start attracting fabulous matches. You get to decide how you want to love, your way!

This programme is so powerful; existing clients are not only attracting fun dating experiences and rock their dating confidence but they are also meeting their soul mate lovers and life partners.

You can create your happy-ever-after and re-write your own love story!

Just like Sally has done!

Imagine how it would feel:

Believing you are totally loveable just as you are, living with the confidence you were born with.

That your best years are ahead of you, even after decades of toxic marriage.

To be intensely attractive to authentic love matches, by just being yourself.

To increase your sensuality and create an epic love life.

To put the fear of attracting narcissists far behind you.

Being a Thriver myself, I’m known to work best with others who share my high level of commitment to personal development and growth. Those who are ready to actively participate and engage in fully creating happier blueprints for love. Those who take radical responsibility for their life.

We get to release your Inner resistance to happy relationships. Together, we re-write your faulty relationship codes that are holding you back and causing you to attract negative relationships on repeat.

I help you massively upgrade your relationship with yourself; learning how to nurture self-love and raise your self-esteem. You learn how to utilise the restorative superpower of self-compassion.

While the programme brings huge benefits to improving all your relationships in your world, the ultimate goal for this programme is to transform your confidence levels when dating. You no longer play the dating ‘game’. You become a discerning participant who knows what she wants. You attract fantastic love matches.

 Love from past clients

“Happy Valentines Day

With Sarah’s support, and doing the work has paid off, I am happy from the inside out. With Sarah’s support I havew been releasing childhood beliefs that had held me back for decades from being my best self. We all deserve to be truly happy. I love myself more than I ew ever have. In just a few months time with Sarah’s program, I have blossomed into a confident, self-loving, more outspoken woman. I know what I want from me and what I’m looking for in the man of my dreams. Today I celebrate self-love on a red sand beach, enjoying treating myself how I deserve to be treated. The joy is in the journey.”


“I went through Sarah’s program.

I can say it works. She’s right about the cracking that lets the light in.

I had nothing but bad relationships one after the other that went on for the majority of my lfie. Nothing I was doing was helping - counselling for years and I even quit dating for 5 years. Finally, I stumbled upon Sarah and went through her program. I’m so happy I did!!

It was worth it.”


“"I worked with Sarah to build my dating confidence and self-esteem”

"The programme helped me have the confidence to attend a speed dating event and meet my current partner, it helped to develop confidence during the dating stages. I still continue to learn as I reach our 3 and a half years together.. I recommend working with Sarah who will get down to your core beliefs about yourself and heal them. I have ADHD and found the programme had additional benefits which helped me with my neurodivergent brain function too.”


Preparing you for Dating Confidence

We spend some time together to enable you to express clearly what you want to achieve from the programme. What does dating confidence mean to you? I designed this programme to be totally bespoke and individualised to meet your needs. Not many people can say they have a magic wand to help clients create what they want. But I do! I have powerful proven skills, processes and tools to help you create the love life of your dreams.

Find out in more detail about how we can create Dating Confidence for you:

  • Using the trnasformational therpay process, we discover which relationship blueprints are holding you back and creating unwanted experiences in your life. We identify them and find their root causes. This means, like a weed in an overgrown garden, we clear it out permanently, it won’t grow back.

  • Before anything new can be created in your life, it first has to be created in your mind. When we have removed old faulty conditioning, your mind is clear to create new amazing possibilities. Never again will you be sabotaging your own happiness

  • Before we can attract the ‘one’, we have to become the ‘one’. Powerful therapy and coaching sessions, will teach you to recreate the relationship you have with yourself. You also learn how to create space for the lover of your dreams. Not just emotional space in your heart but space in your world. As your transformation unfolds, you willl learn to make decisions about how best you allow love to show up in your life.

  • As you progress through the programme, you will find that life is beginning to change for you, you are showing up differently. Life, the Universe and your subconscious mind, is making things happen for you and helping you achieve your heart’s desire. Most changes are welcome, but some can be challenging. With regular weekly coaching sessions, you will become equipped with powerful tools and wisdom to navigate these challenges.

  • As you are developing a more loving relationship with yourself, you may find that you are also evolving in other areas of your life too. It’s not unusual for you to seek and understand your life purpose during times of profound personal evolution. This is the great ‘pay off’ that the universe brings to you.  As you now begin trusting yourself, you gain more clarity and wisdom.

  • Your investment in yourself pays off! You gain trust and self belief to previously unknown levels. This is very attractive to like-minded people. A happy person attracts happy people into their life. Life quickly becomes an opportunity for you to create the love life you really deserve and want. Whatever dating experience you choose, you will enjoy and have fun with it. Love, however you want to experience it, is now available for you. Congratulations! You have graduated!

What’s involved in the DCA Programme?

My ‘Dating Confidence Accelerator’ programme is 90 days long

and is structured and delivered in 3 x 30-day Bundles.

Each 30-day Bundle contains the following:

1 x 45 minute consultation and preparation session

In order to focus the therapy and coaching sessions to meet your needs and requirements. It is most definitely not ‘one size fits all’. This is how success is built into the outcomes of the ‘Dating Confidence Accelerator’.

1 x 2 hour transformational therapy session

The transformational therapy session is delivered under hypnosis. I follow protocols that are a blend of the some best therapeutic processes that get to the root causes of faulty subconscious programmes. They re-code you permanently for better life outcomes. Some of the processes I use are a blend of Neurolinguistic Programme Therapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Inner child Integration, Command Cell Therapy and Somatic Therapy.

2 x 45 minutes coaching sessions

Experiencing powerful emotional shifts to new paradigms of thought can be a little unsettling while the new ‘coding’ becomes established in your subconscious mind. Having the weekly support of me as your personal coach and therapist helps to reassure you as your transformation unfolds.

1 x Personalised transformation hypnotic audio recording

Listening to your personally designed hypnotic audio track is the most effective way to reinforce new habits of thought. Your subconscious mind learns new beliefs and they ‘stick’ with repetition. It is usually recommended that you listen to your recording every day for 21 days.

Online message support throughout the course of the programme

I know what it’s like to have zero knowledgeable support while I was going through my own transformation. I have designed my programme to provide intensive support for my clients because this provides solid reassurance and reflects the commitment and investment that we both have, in creating the love life of your dreams.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • After my recovery from an abusive marriage, 6 months after the split, I started mentoring fellow ‘survivors’ on Melanie Evans specialist recovery forum. This led me to seek out specialist training in helping survivors with their recoveries. 

    I then trained with Marisa Peer and became a rapid transformational therapist and clinical hypnotherapist. That was in October 2018. 

    I have been working as a therapist ever since and I have also enjoyed creating content to help and inspire women to become empowered after their narcissistic abuse experience. Maybe you have seen my YouTube channel? This is a recent project, as I seek to reach out to more ‘survivors’ and help inspire them to become empowered in relationships and to learn the skills of how to thrive in life after narcissistic abuse

  • I work with women who may be:

    • Stuck in the repeating cycles of toxic relationship dramas

    • Recovering from a high conflict divorce

    • Suffering the after-effects of a traumatic relationship split

    • Feeling stuck and fearful about attracting negative partners in the future

    • Given up on dating altogether and settling for a lonely future

    • Continually attracting emotionally unavailable partners

    • Experiencing repeated unwanted toxic behaviour from partners and others

    • Experiencing parental alienation

    • Suffering from Childhood- PTSD

    • Suffering from PTSD after relationship trauma

  • I have been through it, and some. My narcissisitic abuse experience nearly cost me my life on 3 occasions. I now realise that I lived through the trauma, and overcame it powerfully, to inspire others to do the same. 

    As I was going through the nightmare of the ending of the marriage, I did receive some counselling and I quickly realised that my experiences were so far beyond a ‘normal’ person’s comprehension.

    I had to look for someone more specialist but in the end I became my own therapist. I got free from narcissism in 6 months of working on myself. My life dramatically changed course, for the better. For the first time, I began to attract great people into my life. I started dating and that’s when I fell in love with my partner, Trevor.

    My transformation didn’t happen in a vacuum. I made a decisions to get better. I took specific actions and discovered processes and tools that enabled me to put my life back together again and start thriving. I didn’t know how long it would take. I just wanted to feel better after the trauma.

    It just happened that I got my recovery in a very short time scale.  Surviving is just not good enough after narcissistic abuse. I wanted to THRIVE. I was done with abuse forever and wanted to learn how to live a happy life. This is what I want for my clients too. This is the inspiration that helped me create the Dating Confidence Acclerator programme.

  • There are some absolute non-negotiables that would put my programme out of reach. These are: 

    1. Those who have been unable to create ‘no contact’ (or at least very limited contact) with a toxic spouse or partner. 

    2. Those who have a history of psychosis/epilepsy.  Due to the nature of the therapy involved, and the context that it is carried out in (online), it would not be a safe practise for people who have experienced these conditions.

  • Yes!  The result of our work together, replacing your inner core beliefs about relationships, absolutely does work.  It worked for me powerfully, permanently and quickly.  The results of this deep, transformative work has also gained incredible results for my clients.

    It’s a bespoke programme and will accommodate precisely around your requirements. It’s not one size fits all. Certainly, results are expected from 90 days of the start of the programme and may continue to shift up to 6 months from starting the programme. Also, shifts go beyond the 90 days.  Generally speaking, 6 months is a good timescale to allow your transformation to unfold.  It can sometimes happen in the first 30 days!

    As with all things, the results are closely linked to those decisions and promises you made to yourself. How deeply you commit to your transformation and diligently follow the steps in the programme.

  • You can expect to:

    • Massively increase your self-worth and self esteem

    • Develop  and nurture unconditional self-love

    • Release regret, bitterness and disappointments from the past, forever

    • Feel powerful permanent emotional shifts 

    • Drop people pleasing and self-sacrifice forever

    • Re-write your subconscious relationship blueprints and coding for happiness

    • Re-discover self-trust and self-belief

    • Have fun with life and ask for what you want

    • Improve the quality of existing relationships with family, friends and at work

    • See the end of relationship dramas

    • Open your heart to receive love, joy, bliss and abundance of all things

    • Know how to create deeply intimate and authentic relationships

    • Create boundaries with ease

    • Confidently date, knowing and believing in yourself truly as a high value person

    • Repel Narcissists

  • Yes!

    Please ask for details on our call

  • If you have made that rock steady, 100% unwavering investment to yourself to create the life you want and to be able to date confidently, then I can guarantee that this programme will deliver amazing results for you. 

    It’s worked extra-ordinarlily well for my clients so far.  I have modelled the programme on the process I used, to get free from my faulty relationship programmes and get my happy life back. That’s when Dating Confidence is assured.

OK Sarah, I think I’m ready to do this for myself. I still have a few questions. Can I call you?

Hello there!

That’s wonderful, I’m so glad you are ready to make a decision to transform and create an abundance of love and connection in your life.

We can arrange a free 30-minute call and I will be happy to give more detailed information about this life-changing programme. Click the button below to book into my diary.

I can’t wait to see how your life begins to unfold in beautiful ways but I can understand why you would need some extra reassurance.

After all that you have been through, isn’t it time to make a start on your journey to create more love, radiance and emotional freedom in your life? To be able to date safely, happily and have fun with it.

You deserve to love and be loved the way you want and need.

Love from Sarah xxx

The ‘Dating Confidence Accelerator’ was originally designed to help women recover their sense of self and desirability after the horrors of the narcissistic abuse experience. To help women get their love lives back on track and date safely and repel narcissists.

It’s proven itself to offer even more than that. It allows women to quickly ‘work through’ their relationship trauma and has shown that not only do all their relationships improve with family, friends and work colleagues but my client’s lives open up to abundance in so many other ways.

It’s phenomenal.

It creates profound transformation in 90 days, using the best therapeutic tools and processes available. I have speeded up the healing process from 6 months to 3 months.

I am proof that it is possible to heal from the effects of narcissistic abuse. It took me 6 months to heal to the extent that I could safely go back out into the world and attract lovely relationships. In those 6 months I worked on myself to get free from narcissism. At the time, I didn’t put a timescale on it. I just wanted to get free.

When I look back, I am proud of the determination that Sarah had in those months after the split, to work it all out. What I had done is work out a real ‘‘Road Map to Recovery’ from narcissistic abuse.

This road map to recovery is unique because it is highly personalised for each client. Everybody has individual vulnerabilities and the programme helps each client specifically. It’s not a ‘one size fits all’.

The reason it is so powerfully transformative is that it’s entirely one-to-one therapy and coaching. There is a high level of commitment from both myself and my client. It’s an intensive, ongoing weekly commitment, for the 90 days.

I help women get their inner work done. Working side by side with them gives them reassurance and confidence. They learn to love themselves and grow their self-esteem in ways they did not know how to do before. They were never taught how. When clients finish the programme, they have done enough work to take them out of survival mode and begin to start living their best life. They are taught how to maintain their new emotional set points.

They get to feel radiant, loveable and start claiming the gifts of life. To live how they want to on their terms. To create a loving future for themselves and their family. To attract fabulous lovers and experience epic love lives.

They break the intergenerational cycle of abuse in their lineage.

That’s a powerful motivational force to ‘get the work done’!

If you would like to know more, then please do book a call with me to discuss further. Due to the highly intensive time commitment of this life-changing programme, there is often a waiting list to get started.

The financial investment matches the high level of commitment from both myself and my client.

The ‘Dating Confidence Accelerator’ is normally priced £3600 but I am offering it

at a reduced rate of £2700 for the remainder of 2024 for clients who would like to be case studies. Payment plans are available.

Want to get onboard for your rapid transformation and start dating with confidence?

Book a call with me to get the process started.